Children Music Playlist

A Playlist for Parenthood (curated by HypeDad)

Archive, Fatherhood, Pregnancy

There’s often sentiment best expressed through art. The experience of parenting is no exception. History is rich with artists voicing the vast gamut of emotions that come with raising a child. We can turn to these works as companions in our own life. They speak to us like mentors, comfort us like friends.

As B and I prepare to navigate through parenthood, I’ve accumulated a playlist of songs on the subject. These are songs about children, not for children (if you’re looking for a children’s playlist, google will find you thousands). Despite the list’s eclecticism in terms of musical style, I’ve seemed to stumble upon an unconscious thread of similarity: purity. Each song eludes to the hope and purity we admire in our young, perhaps because purity is synonymous with adolescence and it’s ever-fleeting as we age. In any case, these are the songs that have been rotating through my iPod in preparation of the big day.

That One Time Our Baby Bump Went Viral

Archive, kanye west, Pregnancy

A little over two weeks ago, I posted this on Instagram:

kanye west baby pregnancy instagram

Fear, Black Holes, and a Forgotten Anniversary Card

Archive, Pregnancy

The third trimester. The 4th quarter. The home stretch. The pregnancy struggle is real.


baby registry

The Registry: Free Stuff Never Felt So Hard

Archive, Pregnancy

Having trouble comprehending the gravity of having a child? The largeness of it? The overwhelming magnitude of it all? Start your registry. Then let’s talk.

Yes, it’s a bit of a wakeup call. All that stuff. The bottles, the bottle warmer, the car seat, the infant converter, the stroller, the crib, the humidifier, the baby monitor, diapers, diaper bags, and endlessly on into Buy Buy Baby oblivion.

men and pregnancy

5 Things You Should Know About Men & Pregnancy

Archive, Fatherhood, Man Stuff, Pregnancy

Let’s start with a few questions. Women, what do you expect of your partner during pregnancy? Men, what do you expect of yourselves?

Now let’s assess how much we actually know about men and pregnancy. How men feel and change, both physically and emotionally. What do we know?

Are you searching for solid answers past “being there” and “sympathy weight”? Me too.