baby registry

The Registry: Free Stuff Never Felt So Hard

Archive, Pregnancy

Having trouble comprehending the gravity of having a child? The largeness of it? The overwhelming magnitude of it all? Start your registry. Then let’s talk.

Yes, it’s a bit of a wakeup call. All that stuff. The bottles, the bottle warmer, the car seat, the infant converter, the stroller, the crib, the humidifier, the baby monitor, diapers, diaper bags, and endlessly on into Buy Buy Baby oblivion.

men and pregnancy

5 Things You Should Know About Men & Pregnancy

Archive, Fatherhood, Man Stuff, Pregnancy

Let’s start with a few questions. Women, what do you expect of your partner during pregnancy? Men, what do you expect of yourselves?

Now let’s assess how much we actually know about men and pregnancy. How men feel and change, both physically and emotionally. What do we know?

Are you searching for solid answers past “being there” and “sympathy weight”? Me too.

Dogs & Kids: Is it Fair to Compare?

Archive, Benson, Conception, Fatherhood, Pregnancy

I was always a little awkward around dogs. With their slobber and farts and fur loss. Always jumping and licking. Always staring at you with those helpless eyes. What did they want from me? I could never tell.


Pregnancy, Travel

Babymoon. It’s a thing. A brief respite from the chaos of work, hospital visits, nursery preparation, and the myriad other responsibilities of expecting parents. I’d been advised by the internet friends to take a babymoon and enjoy one last hurrah before our life is forever changed come March.

It’s a…Girl? When Gender Reveals Go Wrong.

Archive, Conception, Fatherhood, Man Stuff, Pregnancy

Gender reveals. It’s a pregnancy milestone. One that you spend countless hours wondering about. The ultrasound date nears, the anticipation grows. You make plans around it. A gender reveal party. A carefully crafted social media post. And however it happens, it all boils down to a singular moment. That moment you open the envelope. That moment you cut the gender cake or those colored balloons rise from out a big box. It’s a moment you can’t recreate. A moment that stays with you forever.

Yeah, it’s supposed to be like that. Except when it’s not. Take ours, for instance. Ours…malfunctioned.

Let me explain.